Helen, Lily and a jumping saddle for a Connemara
Helen and Lily like to compete locally show jump and Cross Country
Helen and Lily jumping in their Elevation Mono Flap, Native Pony Fit, custom seat, doeskin seat and Knee Rolls.
Helen contacted us as she was having problems finding a suitable jumping saddle for a Connemara.
Here’s what she has to say
Dear Dean and Gini
Thanks so much for my beautiful customised monoflap saddle. The leather is so soft and it is so comfortable.
It’s such a fab fit it looks like it’s been sprayed on! I am 45 (old!) and have only been riding properly for 18mths so am really a beginner going to local shows and events but I am amazed at the difference it has made to my mare’s way of going and how much my riding has improved in such a short amount of time.
I now feel more safe and secure (the doeskin is ideal) and we both feel much more confident when we are jumping – I wish I had taken the plunge to have once of your
Helen’s saddle has a customised seatshape especially made to fit her.
customised saddles sooner!
Here are a few photos below of my first outing with Lily and our new fab saddle. Loving it so much
Thanks Helen and Lily ( my very happy, in her new saddle, connemara!)